November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Ours was chaotic as ever, but we are always so thankful to have so many wonderful people to spend it with. We started off at Nick's mother's house.

Auntie Steph!

Beautiful view from Linda's house. 

We then drove up north to my parents home in Milaca.  Sorry for the lack of pictures, but we were extremely tired and we were enjoying having the grandparents help with Henry. 

So much fun seeing Lucy since she is still spending time with the Grandparents. 

Eating tangerines with Grandpa Johnny.  


Such a fun weekend.  Sad that the Holiday is over.

November 21, 2011

What I'm Reading

I thought it would be fun to share with everyone what I am reading each month.  A while back the girls from work and I started a book club.  I use the term book club loosely as with all our busy schedules it can be extremely hard to meet.  Every month we pick a new book.  Right now we are reading The Rum Diary.  I have always been a fan of Hunter S. Thompson and I am really enjoying the book.  I would love to see the movie, but that is a stretch considering I haven't been to the movies since Henry was born. We will see.  Any suggestions for December's book are welcomed! 

November 18, 2011

Not Much Going On

There has been a whole lot of sickness in our house.  This means a lot of Kleenex, EmergenC and movies.  My favorite so far being Snow White.  I wish everyone a healthy weekend!

November 11, 2011

Good Finds for Your Weekend!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I will be spending mine celebrating my wonderful friend Krista's Birthday! Here are some good finds for your weekend. 

This really funny blog for Ryan Gosling fans.

These must have tights.

This very romantic song

This yummy recipe

And these Henry approved plush toys

photo from

November 10, 2011

It's Official!

Winter is coming quickly! Snow sightings are on the rise in Minnesota. I have decided to embrace it this year. I am excited for sledding, warm sweaters, baby mittens, hot chocolate, Henry's first snow angel and much much more!

November 8, 2011

Must Have for Henry!

While wasting my lunch hour away on Pinterest, I came across this adorable little baby cowl. You can find it here on Etsy. Being from Minnesota and the fact that Winter is quickly approaching, I am currently obsessed with cowls and love the idea even more for babies! This will be in Henry's stocking come Christmas.
Photo from savvystuff on Etsy

November 6, 2011

Fall Outings

This Fall we have done a wonderful job at getting outside and enjoying all the activities.  There is something about having a child that makes seasons/holidays so much more special and fun!

In late September, Nick's sister Steph was in town and we all went to the Johnny Appleseed Festival in Edina.  Henry was overwhelmed with happiness between the petting zoo, apple eating, dancing and face painting.  

We then took a trip to the Minnatonka Apple Orchard, but we were rained out within 20 minutes.  

The second time we lucked out,  although it was a bit colder.  Our friends Dustin, Katie and their daughter Delaney joined us!  Henry was so cute on the tractor ride.  As you can see by the smile on his face, he was having a great time.   

And of course we have been playing in all the leaves!

What is your favorite fall activity?  

November 3, 2011

Fun with the Canon

I am trying my hardest to learn how to use our Canon DSLR. Any feedback/advise is welcomed! Here are some practice shots taken in our new house.

Family Shot.

Practice with lighting.

Catching a precious moment. Isn't it so funny how much babies love their reflection?